
  • Ireland & Scotland
  • Blue water sailing – Crossings
  • Patagonian channels
  • Norway & Svalbard

Spring-Summer 2024 : Ireland & Scotland

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Hebrides Islands

This spring we offer several sailing journeys towards Scotland west coast: Inner and Outer Hebrides + Orkney, from Oban or Dublin.

October 2024 – January 2025 : Blue water sailing

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France – Ireland – Canarias – Cabo Verde – Brazil – Argentina – Tierra del Fuego

Departing from Pornichet (Loire-Atlantique, France) and heading to Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), we propose you several blue water sailing courses :

February – April 2025 : Patagonian channels

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South Magellan Strait and Cape Horn

Departing from Puerto Williams or Ushuaia and during 18 days, we leave behind us the Atlantic side of the Beagle Channel (Onashaga) and enter the western channels, approaching the speechless beauty of mountains, fjords and glaciers, before crossing the famous Cape Horn !

June-September 2025 : Northern Norway & Svalbard

Kinarodden, Sailing North Cape (Nordkapp, Mageroya, Finnmark, Norway) / Naviguer en voilier au cap Nord (Mageroya, Finnmark, Norvège) Sailing trip in Norwegian Fjords / Voyage en voilier fjords Norvège Knivskjellodden / arctic sailing in Barents sea

Exploring from Tromsø to Longyearbyen

During 10 days in June and July, we come back to North Cape and Nordkynn areas of fjords, islands and arctic landscapes, before crossing the Barents Sea for a 15 days exploration and a second period dedicated to the circumnavigation of Svalbard. 

Karukinka Exploration

Karukinka association, non-profit organization logo Sailing and Expedition club

Navigations with a positive impact

Starting this year, the Karukinka association proposes sailing expeditions to help finance its projects in support of indigenous peoples. Founded 10 years ago, Karukinka has carried out many activities, including expeditions and, in 2019, organizing the first visit to France of members of indigenous populations from southern Patagonia.

In 2024 and 2025, we aim to build upon the ideas born from these initial interactions and give these peoples direct access, over time, to the archives kept in France and containing valuable information about the history of the Yagans, Haush, and Selk'nam. This project entitled "Voces de las abuelas" can be discovered here (in French).

Support for expeditions

Aware of the difficulties faced by laboratories, researchers, and creators, Karukinka does its utmost to help and support field activities.

Because it is often very difficult to obtain the necessary funding for research in polar and subpolar environments, we make every effort to ensure that funds obtained from private navigations contribute to support our projects.

With a constant focus on helping our planet and its inhabitants, we are happy to evaluate and consider any request for administrative and/or logistical support for the realization of scientific, artistic, sports, and humanistic expeditions.

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